5 Useful Tips To Help You Stay Present
hen experiencing a change in life, it is crucial to remember what is important. Simplifying our lives can be a great direction to take, however this route is never as easy as it seems. When I think back to my life prior to my accident, as a 25-year-old, I believed I was invincible. I had a crazy, busy existence, living my best life but taking no time to reflect and appreciate each day.
After my accident, I was forced to slow down. Ironically, my father had been bothering me to take life at a slower pace and it wasn't until I couldn't physically move, I had no choice but to slow to a complete halt. It was a surreal time of life, and I lent on my past training and coping mechanisms I had learnt to get through it. If I had an opportunity to give advice to a younger me, it would be this - take your time, you are young and have your whole life ahead of you, and through this change, you need to lay new foundations.
Being present is a powerful. Put your phone down, close your eyes and take a deep breath. When I feel myself going into overdrive worrying about my tomorrow, my next appointment or what's for dinner, I try to ground myself. I recognise the smells around me and the noises I can hear, and this brings me back to the here and now. Here are a few useful tips on how I make space each and every day:
5 Useful Tips To Help You Stay Present
- Plan Your Day - Set your alarm. Take ten minutes to think through your day however this may look for you. Sit quietly, enjoy a coffee, chat through your expectations of your day with your partner, just set aside a few minutes each morning.
- Call A Friend - Scheduling a call every day with a different person is a great way to stay connected and build long-term relationships with friends that may not be present in your everyday.
- Schedule Time - We can get stuck in our ways. Take the time to schedule a coffee date, a beer with a friend or get yourself into an exercise group or small church group.
- Plan A Break - It's okay to dream. Dream about your next holiday or weekend away - do some research if you have accessibility challenges. Read up on relevant travel blogs, accessible destinations and printout your dream holiday and paste on your wall or background on your phone or computer. Then get a plan and start saving.
- One-On-One Time – Take time to build relationships one-on-one with your partner, children or friends. Through one-on-one time you will begin to enjoy stronger, deeper relationships. If you concentrate on building one-to-one connections, this will help you when you find yourself in group situations and you will feel more confident and find it easier to interact with others.
Finding your own rhythm and the processes that work for you can take time so don't stress, it's taken me almost 25 years! If you're lost and not really sure where to start, I recommend taking a look at an app like Calm or Headspace to get you in the right frame of mind.
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